• Full packages for

    Schools & groups

  • Full packages for

    Schools & groups

  • Full packages for

    Schools & groups

Fully inclusive packages that can be tailored to meet your needs

We provide all aspects of a DofE expedition programme, from managing the initial planning and expedition training through to running the practice and qualifying expeditions.

We take care of everything from advising parents and handling the expedition reports to DofE paperwork. This helps make the job of school DofE manager as straightforward and stress-free as possible. And it should give parents more peace of mind.


Sticking together crossing moorland in the peak district

During these school-based, one-day sessions, teams attend 3 sessions:

  • Using a map to plan their route

  • Basic first aid

  • What clothing and food to pack

We can train teams on weekdays or at weekends, either at your own school or at other venues.

Each team has their own trainer who teaches them practical skills: how to navigate, camp and keep themselves safe and well-nourished in an expedition setting. The trainer also covers aspects of teamwork and personal development.

At the end of the expedition, each trainer will de-brief their team and give them an action plan that is shared with the school for follow up.

Accreditation Expedition Assessors remotely supervise this un-accompanied expedition, meeting, students along the way to monitor their progress and welfare.

Teams are debriefed at the end of the expedition and the Assessor report produced.

We supply a background research pack to each student which they can use to formulate their project and presentation. During the training expedition, our instructors discuss ideas with the students and help translate those into their final expedition aims and presentation theme. They can make their presentations to our Assessors or to the DofE manager back at school.


Where do you want to go?

We take expeditions to all parts of the UK, from the Highlands of Scotland to the hill country of mid-Wales. For Bronze expeditions, plenty of challenges can be found relatively close to home while Silver and Gold offer the opportunity to explore further afield.

Our most popular expedition venues include the Peak District, Wales, Lancashire hills, Yorkshire and the Lake District. Just let us know your preference, we’re happy to discus

Choose other modes of transport

The breadth of our instructors’ experience and qualifications lets us offer canoeing, paddle-boarding, cycling and kayaking as alternative modes of travel for DofE expeditions. We also deliver pre-trip training in these disciplines, either at our South Manchester base or at the venue of your choice. Just contact us for a detailed quote that covers both the training and the expedition itself.

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